
Message From the Elders

Over the last several weeks, the very important process of adding elders was a focused priority.

We took time to listen to the congregation. But, more importantly, we took time to prayerfully seek God’s will. We asked Him to provide us with clear choices as additional elders. We are happy to say that God answered these prayers.

Today we are excited and blessed to present three men for consideration as elders.

Bill Brock

– Bill and Susan have been members here on two occasions since 1975.

– Bill currently serves as a regular adult Bible class teacher.

Kenneth Walker

– Kenneth and Shawn have been members since 2000.

– Kenneth currently serves as a deacon and works with our Benevolence Ministry.

Doug Brown

– Doug and Linda have been members since 2003.

– Doug has been involved as chairman of the Education Committee as well serving as an adult Bible class teacher, and he previously served as an elder for eight years at his congregation in Michigan.



If there is a reason why any of these men should not serve, first go talk to that man. Then, contact any elder in writing between now and Friday, November 17.

We also ask, as always, that you pray over this process and these men and their families.

God has blessed us in countless ways. Because of those blessings, we look forward to tomorrow and what He has in store for our church family.

– the elders
