
Message From the Elders

We have two exciting updates.

First, we are thankful to God for a wonderful month of Ignite, our Wednesday evening gatherings focused on worship in song and learning new hymns. Blake Parker, leading us in worship, reminded us of the importance of song and how enjoyable it is to praise and glorify God in this way. In July and August Blake worked directly with our singers, helping them learn new songs and grow together as a team that greatly enhances our worship in song. We are thankful to all of them for their hard work and dedication in such a special and important aspect of our worship.

After much prayer and discussion, we are pleased to announce that Blake is joining us next Sunday, September 17, to begin his time at Hendersonville as our new worship leader. Although he is not on staff full-time, his responsibilities extend beyond Sunday morning as he will continue to work with our singers and also directly with Drew on Sunday worship planning.

We are blessed, thankful and excited to have one of the best worship leaders available to join us.

Now on to something else about which we are very excited.

Next Sunday, while already a big day with Blake’s arrival, is made even more important in the life of our family because we begin the process of appointing additional elders. We know you understand the importance of this and we are asking you to join us in a week of prayer at Hendersonville before we begin. Please spend each day this week asking God for His graceful guidance in this process. Then, next week, Hendersonville members can submit names for recommendation as elders. Nomination cards and collection boxes will be available in the Front and Back Lobbies for two weeks through October 1.

– the elders
